Tacoma Proves its Safety in Terrifying Rollover!

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Ardinus' Tacoma

Recent road conditions in Winnipeg, Canada, have claimed the lives of several motorists.

Safety in our rig is something we often take for granted. However, while modern technology has afforded us better safety, it is something still worth taking into serious consideration. All it takes is that one collision at highway speeds to put everything to an end. We don’t like to think of things this way, but it’s an unfortunate reality.

Recently, a Reddit user by the name of Ardinus found himself in the unfortunate position of finding out just how safe his Toyota Tacoma was. While driving on the local Winnipeg highways Ardinus decided to change lanes to allow others to pass. Everything went south from there as he shared in a recent post.


Ardinus reports losing all traction in the rear of his vehicle after making the lane shift. Even though he was traveling about 18mph below the posted limit, it wasn’t enough to stop his truck from sliding on the black-ice covered roadway. Ardinus lost all steering input and quickly found himself heading towards the nearest ditch at 43mph.

Words alone cannot do justice to the thoughts that must have been racing through his mind throughout this ordeal. There is little to be done to prepare for events such as these. And when they occur, there is even less to be done to avert the impending wreck.

Ardinus' Tacoma

Ardinus’ rig pre-wreck

All while fully-conscious, Ardinus hit the ground and rolled a total of five times, landing approximately 60ft from the highway. In the initial roll, the bed rack of the 2005 Tacoma was torn clean off. The force of the impact ravaged the body of the truck, but thankfully, Ardinus was found in stable condition. Emergency responders were forced to cut the roof of the vehicle in order to pull Ardinus from the wreckage, but he was alive and safe nonetheless.

Ardinus feels certain he would not have been so lucky in the Wrangler he previously owned. By the grace of God and skill of Toyota engineering, Ardinus avoided becoming another statistic claimed by the harsh weather conditions of Winnipeg.

2005 Tacoma

Ardinus looks to have a recovery period of only two weeks following a minor neck fracture and sore arm suffered in the accident. All things considered, he is immensely fortunate to have walked away from this incident with such minor injuries. Chalk up another win for the Tacoma. Incredible reliability, dashing good looks, and dependably safe.

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