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ravencr 05-14-2006 07:26 PM

Just posted one picture, but I can't figure out how to upload them all at one time, instead of one at a time, which is way too time consuming.


fireteacher 05-14-2006 07:39 PM

562 views and still no D@MN pictures, you guys are really slackin!!!

garrett1478 05-14-2006 07:42 PM

no kidding...

Supra 4x4 05-14-2006 07:50 PM

I'm in the process of uploading pics. I didn't get any trail shots just some from around camp just before I left.

Supra 4x4 05-14-2006 08:05 PM

Well I have spent the last 45 minutes uploading pics but they are not there, not sure why. Maybe later, its past my bed time.

sschaefer3 05-14-2006 08:07 PM

Well to quote Stephen Tyler: I'm back in the saddle again.

From freezing my nuts off to 104 F in hours. I guess I can tell you about my day, because none of you weenies ever come out here (besides Andy) and if you did it is a million times easier as you are in civilization the entire time.

I had directions but somewhere along the way I got off track. So I'm blowing down Joe Brown Highway and it's looking more and more like Broke Back for real. Houses are getting more spread out and it's volunteer fire dept. after volunteer fire dept. The accord is on E and yellow light is on and has been for a while. I tried to call Andy to see if the gauge was broken, maybe? I got through one time and had a small conversation with him and since he was surprised it was out of gas, knew the gage worked.

30 minutes down Joe Brown and houses far and few between I decided it was time to "risk it" and talk to someone. I found a house with a 3rd Gen 4Runner and an early 90's Toyota mini, several Chevy trucks, kids toys and Jap ATV's. Safe bet I thought.

I pull down the driveway at 7:30 AM. I deduce that everyone is asleep. Oh well, turn around and keep going. Well the Honda gets stuck in the mud in these peoples driveway. Since I have no gas, it obviously needs to be pulled out to save fuel.

So I go to the door. I knock and knock, thinking this guy ain’t gonna get rid of me until someone pulls me out, so I have no choise. Finally a guy comes to the door and I apologize for waking him up and explain that I am from Arizona, out of gas and stuck in his front yard and need to get to Knoxville to get on a plane. Magic Moment for sure.

He says to hang on while he gets his shoes on. He pulls me out of his front yard and gave me his lawn mower gas, he has a gallon. I try to give him 10 bucks for the gallon, hell I would have paid alot more than that. He says to keep it, I might need it to get home, I agree.

He sends me over a dam to a store to get gas. Once I was at the store I finally got Andy on the horn and the gas station man told me how to get to the 64. After that I hauled booty on up to Knoxville.

Made the flight, talked to Erika, Cheese and Stubbs in Dallas on the cellie and in a few more hours my sack was sweaty in good old 104F Arizona. Oh what a feeling.

I climbed into the 4CylOfFury and it just felt right. You can wear other people’s shoes, but yours fit the best.

I had a great time and that area is certainly very beautiful. I drove an FJ Crusier for a pretty long time at Tellico and those things are quite impressive. Tim of the FJ Team was real knowledgeable on east coat wheeling and gave me alot of great pointers. We had some real good fabrication and Moab talks as well. Yes, nothing compares to Moab. The holy grail of wheeling.

I had a really good time and thank you.

P.S. Brett, you nick name is "Life Partner". Of "Brokeback" of course. I guess our secret is out...... Certainly you’re the woman with your slim sexy figure and I’m Al Bundy. Get er done. Time to retire the Cowboy Hat, I only got that for the trip. I'm not really a Mexican Cowboy, I got a Mexican Cowboy hat, I had to ask a Mexican guy here in Tempe where you get them.


Flygtenstein 05-14-2006 08:17 PM

Where are the pics?

Last year, if I remember right, there were 20 pics split with 15 of a Nissan on a ramp, 4 shots of Chris on a ramp and one shot of the Nissan on a trail.

Sounds like a good brother loving sort of time.

RTdawgs 05-14-2006 08:39 PM

What a story Steve. The trip back to Murphy from Crawfords can be tough for someone who hasnt done it. Glad you came down to the South for wheeling, enjoyed seeing you here.

It was a another great event. It amazed me who did what they did, who didnt do what they could, and who did what they said they couldnt do... :think:

Looking forward to the next event, I really enjoyed meeting yall that I didnt already know.

I didnt take any pictures, it slows up the trail ride.

sschaefer3 05-14-2006 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Flygtenstein

Sounds like a good brother loving sort of time.

Nope. Not a single scrotum saw the light of day or any SoBe bombs whet off.

Looks like the west has a monopoly on the "brother lovin". I wanted too....... But I did not feel the love.

I got pics. But since I got up at 3:00am Pacific and it's 9:45pm pacific, I'm off to bed.


RTdawgs 05-14-2006 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Supra 4x4
Got home around 2:30. Wish I was there hanging out with ya'll. I had a great time, met a great group of guys. Looking forward to next year.

I had a great time riding in your truck, thanks again for putting up with me. Hope to ride again with you soon. Marc said River Rock in a few weeks?

Supra 4x4 05-15-2006 03:10 AM

OK I just tried to upload some pics again and it is not working. I clicked on the se4rj link, clicked upload pics, browes to find pic from my pictures, hit enter to send my pic to the upload page and then upload, wait for pic to load (dialup) then check to see if it is there and nothing. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

OutdoorLiving 05-15-2006 03:11 AM

I should have showed up, afterall. At least I would have been the first person to have pictures posted before I'm in the office at 6am on Monday morning.

Doc279 05-15-2006 03:20 AM

Hey all, Jumping in on your forum here. I had a blast with my hubby. I know I am now hooked. (OMG what has Doc done to me) Anyhow. Any pics we have that ya'll want e-mailed to you let Doc know. And the one's I do know about I will get out to ya. Wonderful meeting ya'll.

ravencr 05-15-2006 03:50 AM

Did mine ever show up on that website?


Corey 05-15-2006 03:53 AM

On with the pics!
Glad you guy's had a great event.

I checked that gallery, none in it so far, looking for some new wallpaper for work.

Steve, glad you liked the FJ, I hear they off road good, can not wait to take delivery of mine.

ravencr 05-15-2006 03:55 AM

The A-trac on the FJ is unbeleivable and definitely works really well.


JuttyShabango 05-15-2006 04:05 AM


Okay, I changed the gallery software and now it will allow batch browse uploads of your pics.

If you loaded them once, try it again and reregister for the gallery. This should be the last change.


bamachem 05-15-2006 04:13 AM


for some reason, when you upload a pic (that has to be resized and done one at a time), it says that it must be approved before it will be avaialble. my guess is that you have about 100 pics awaiting approval before they will be viewable.

that needs to be changed to allow for immediate viewing and then you guys can delete any that you don't want hosted at a later date.

JuttyShabango 05-15-2006 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by bamachem

for some reason, when you upload a pic (that has to be resized and done one at a time), it says that it must be approved before it will be avaialble. my guess is that you have about 100 pics awaiting approval before they will be viewable.

that needs to be changed to allow for immediate viewing and then you guys can delete any that you don't want hosted at a later date.

I just changed the software package and installed a better one.

I'll hang out here this morning in this thread with the admin panel open so it can be tweeked

bamachem 05-15-2006 04:17 AM

since nobody else will just host some and put them in this thread like old times, i'll be the first. this is all i have. now, will somebody PLEASE post some of the "good stuff" on slickrock? :hillbill:









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