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zman2day 05-10-2006 04:23 PM

SE4RJ Action Thread
Thought I would check in... make the first post from Crawfords Campground. FREE WI-FI :woo: :banger: The wi-fi is good but you gotta be in front of the office.

I meant to post pics...but I didnt check my cam first...batteries dead.H

Hopefully we will keep this post updated for all the slackers that couldnt make it! :booty:


waskillywabbit 05-10-2006 05:31 PM

I got a site all setup for uploading pics...unlimited bandwidth, but lets keep the pics to a decent size...say 800x600 which you can show on the threads here.


All you have to do is register w/ a username and password and upload away. :great:

Make sure you put them under "SE4RJ3" (the 2006 gallery that is setup, as there are 3 setup there right now)

Thanks to Mark for setting this up for us! Ftoy#36

FYI: Lockers are plumbed/wired and operational. :rockin:


OutdoorLiving 05-10-2006 06:26 PM

*sniff-sniff* :cry:

1985 4Runner 05-10-2006 06:38 PM

I registered on the site tonight. Thanks Brian & Mark. I hope to take a LOT of pics of everybody this weekend, just got a 1gb card for my camera.
See you all there!

Stump1883 05-10-2006 08:50 PM

Hey Marc, check your PMs dude. :great:

bamachem 05-11-2006 03:55 AM

kewl. i'll be uploading in the evenings at crawfords. :D

Stump1883 05-11-2006 03:59 AM

Just registered, see yall there. :great:

ravencr 05-11-2006 05:59 AM

Just checkin' in!


zman2day 05-11-2006 07:11 PM

Alright no pics yet...... gotta get the folks around the campfire

bamachem 05-13-2006 02:12 PM

lol... i'm back home. i only got to wheel on friday and drove home today for some family time.

i conquered slick rock when it was semi-wet and had such a blast that i don't have a single pic to post - i was too busy wheelin. there's tons of them being taken, so i'm sure there'll be plenty action shots.


Supra 4x4 05-13-2006 07:40 PM

Got home around 2:30. Wish I was there hanging out with ya'll. I had a great time, met a great group of guys. Looking forward to next year.

JeepGuyXJ 05-13-2006 11:50 PM

me and andy just got in boone at 3:45am!!

dwh91102 05-14-2006 02:23 AM

:dunno: Theres no pics on that website :dunno:

bamachem 05-14-2006 03:54 AM

not yet. all the shutterbugs aren't back yet. i know austin must've taken 100 by himslef on friday. there were at least 6 or 7 cameras at all angles when i was going up slickrock, plus a couple vid-cams and austin's pro-vid-cam. there'll be plenty of pics, but it will take usually a week to get them all uploaded.

oh, and as a teaser, i got about 3/4 up the face of slickrock and snapped the DS outer CV from excessive droop w/ the front locked. i then winched up that ledge, drove the rest of the way up to the top of the gulley, winched over the washout ledge, then drove the rest of the way to the top. then a guy in a 85 got caught on that last ledge and i went back down to winch him over it. however, then i couldn't back out, and in trying to get back up, snapped the outer on the passenger side since all the weight and all the torque was on that one front wheel - instant 2WD. i had to be winched out of that one. :D i went back out trail 5 in 2hi w/ the rear locked and didn't get hung up one single time.

i cut out the passenger side center section of the front axle on the trail since the outer boot was ripped and it was flopping. the driver side stayed in for the rest of the way back to crawfords. once i got back to crawfords (about 5-6 miles of hard trails and 15 miles of roads), i rented out the shop ($20/hr w/ air tools). i swapped out both front CV's and pulled the rear drum, cleaned the brakes, pulled the rear axle and checked the seal, then put it all back together in less than 2hr! :D

anyway, i had a blast, flogged the schiznit outta my skid and belly pan (saved my XF case from certain death on slickrock) and took on one of the toughest obstacles that tellico has to offer for a vehicle w/ sheet metal (slickrock is crazy hard w/ water - rates up there w/ schoolbus, helicopter pad and guardrail when dry). the trail leading into slickrock is nasty - some stuff just as hard as slickrock itself, but just spread out over about a mile+ of trail.

sorry, but you'll have to wait for the pics!

dwh91102 05-14-2006 04:06 AM

:bowdown: :bowdown: :good: patiently awaiting the pics :drink:

bamachem 05-14-2006 09:21 AM

still no pics/video? man, ya'll are S......L..........O....................W... :roll:

dragr1 05-14-2006 10:42 AM

Just got back, it will take me a while to sort through my pics and vids.

Hey Andy, I spanked Slickrock on Saturday-drove it all w/ no damage, but still had to winch the ledge. Bud and Ernie drove it all including the ledge and made the ledge look like a paved road-they never even stopped or backed up!

Greg also drove it all and went hard left on the last ledge and drove up the dirt wall!

I'm registering on the SE4RJ site right now!

Wow, what a great event!

bamachem 05-14-2006 10:57 AM


nice to hear that another 3rd gen made it. i guess chris was the first to do it last year. have any other 3rd gens been up it? was it any dryer on the left side where i went? it was really wet over there between the ledges so it was really hard to get any traction.

hurry up and get some pics/videos up!

also, how was the dinner/raffle? everyone have a good time? any other damage yesterday?

i wish i would have at least tried that top ledge, but after the first CV popped, i heard the other one cracking. i think i was lucky to get to the top w/ 1 still in tact. i shouldn't have gone back down and just let ernie. oh well. the passenger side was already weakened, so it was on the way out anyway. at least now i have two "new" axles w/ way fewer miles. those were 154k and the grease in both had water contamination for the last 2 years.

4RocRunner92 05-14-2006 11:44 AM

still nothing yet??? been like 10 days

dragr1 05-14-2006 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by bamachem

nice to hear that another 3rd gen made it. i guess chris was the first to do it last year. have any other 3rd gens been up it? was it any dryer on the left side where i went? it was really wet over there between the ledges so it was really hard to get any traction.

hurry up and get some pics/videos up!

also, how was the dinner/raffle? everyone have a good time? any other damage yesterday?

i wish i would have at least tried that top ledge, but after the first CV popped, i heard the other one cracking. i think i was lucky to get to the top w/ 1 still in tact. i shouldn't have gone back down and just let ernie. oh well. the passenger side was already weakened, so it was on the way out anyway. at least now i have two "new" axles w/ way fewer miles. those were 154k and the grease in both had water contamination for the last 2 years.

Ernie broke a cv doing the same you did-winching someone off the ledge and backing out.

Stump1883 05-14-2006 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by dragr1
Ernie broke a cv doing the same you did-winching someone off the ledge and backing out.

No way I didn't hear any breakage after he winched the 85 Runner up, you and I spotted him back up, I thought he was fine. Oh well he still made the last ledge look EASY. :bowdown: :rockon:

dragr1 05-14-2006 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Stump1883
No way I didn't hear any breakage after he winched the 85 Runner up, you and I spotted him back up, I thought he was fine. Oh well he still made the last ledge look EASY. :bowdown: :rockon:

Yeah, it didn't break completely. He heard it popping like the cage broke but didn't come apart, so he unlocked that hub and drove out in 2wd.

Oh yeah, Mike S. in the black '85 broke 3 studs on his steering knuckle-that's why we were all an hour late for dinner. Not a big deal-Roger from TLCA helped us out with some parts.

Stump1883 05-14-2006 03:29 PM

Yeah I heard your call for Roger over the CB, I guess where we were on the upper part of Trail 5 was right above the water crossing where it happend. We were stuck behind a broken buggy, he snapped his upper wishbone of his 3 link in half. Then we flew down Trail 4, good thing I guess, we missed complicating your ordeal on 5. Glad we just all made it home safe and in time for the food. :bigok:

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 03:35 PM

I'm home...going to sleep EARLY! :)

I had a blast...and SS and I didn't kill each other after you left Andy! :laugh:


Stump1883 05-14-2006 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by waskillywabbit
I'm home...going to sleep EARLY! :)

I had a blast...and SS and I didn't kill each other after you left Andy! :laugh:


Yeah the boys did play nice, I certainly helped that SS hopped ship from the Wabbit Wagon(no pun intended) and rode with others on the way down. :chair:

Cebby 05-14-2006 04:38 PM

This thread (and the Wabbit's gallery) are useless without :cam:

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 05:17 PM


I took exactly "0" pics...I was like Andy...too busy wheeling. :hillbill:


dragr1 05-14-2006 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by Cebby
This thread (and the Wabbit's gallery) are useless without :cam:

Working on mine now-maybe have them up tomorrow night.

seaflea 05-14-2006 05:24 PM

Just got home! WOW what a long ride! Snapped the pins in the rear locker and it made driving home a terrible trip. But I did make home safely!

No pics from me either, too busy wheeling.

Had a great time and cant wait to do it again!

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by seaflea
Just got home! WOW what a long ride! Snapped the pins in the rear locker and it made driving home a terrible trip. But I did make home safely!

No pics from me either, too busy wheeling.

Had a great time and cant wait to do it again!

When did you snap the pins? Or know they wuz snapped?

All you 1st gen guys, go home and check/tighten all your suspension bolts...as in your STEERING studs. :chair:


seaflea 05-14-2006 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by waskillywabbit
When did you snap the pins? Or know they wuz snapped?

All you 1st gen guys, go home and check/tighten all your suspension bolts...as in your STEERING studs. :chair:


When I was coming out of the water at fains ford.
I wasnt really doing anything hard, but there was a loud snap and I thought for a second that I had broke the ring and pinion. But that was not the case.

Stump1883 05-14-2006 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by seaflea
When I was coming out of the water at fains ford.
I wasnt really doing anything hard, but there was a loud snap and I thought for a second that I had broke the ring and pinion. But that was not the case.

Yup that snap worried me too, but when I jumped down and checked there was nothing visble, from the sound it seemed like a R&P or a driveshaft. I'm just glad you and Donna made it home safe. Thanks for EVERYTHING guys, great weekend. Guess it's time for an e-locker in the rear dude :great:

Ceeby, I'll get you and everyone some pics up when I finally get all this cleaning done, and get some SLEEEEEEEP.

seaflea 05-14-2006 05:42 PM

:laugh: , I am either going with an Elocker or ARB. whatever I get, I know it will not be a cheap lunchbox locker. :bang:

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by seaflea
When I was coming out of the water at fains ford.
I wasnt really doing anything hard, but there was a loud snap and I thought for a second that I had broke the ring and pinion. But that was not the case.

Ah, that was the loud noise...that was going in. I guess you didn't notice it until you got up to higher speeds. I guess now is the time to test what you learned installing diffs/gears etc. :hillbill:


Cebby 05-14-2006 05:45 PM

After doing the Mother's Day "thing" I'm just Jones'in for some wheeling shots. I know how tiring those long drives can be....

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Cebby
After doing the Mother's Day "thing" I'm just Jones'in for some wheeling shots. I know how tiring those long drives can be....

A t-shirt in a week will make you feel better! :hillbill:


Cebby 05-14-2006 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by waskillywabbit
A t-shirt in a week will make you feel better! :hillbill:


You da man! Almost forgot I ordered it... :pat:

ravencr 05-14-2006 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by waskillywabbit
A t-shirt in a week will make you feel better! :hillbill:


Mine too Brian! Thanks again for organizing such a great trip, once again! It was great!


P.S. What's the website link for all the centralized pics and vids?

waskillywabbit 05-14-2006 06:51 PM


All you gotta do is register.


ravencr 05-14-2006 07:02 PM

Just registered and trying to figure it out! Hopefully I'll have some posted soon.


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