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dibble9012 03-18-2007 03:20 PM

How much space is free on your computer?
Well, I finally have to break down and buy a larger hard drive for my macbook pro :) It currently has only 15gb left and filling up fast(out of 92gb total, 100gb drive)

Mainly filled up with music and TV shows in itunes, and lots of photos. I know I could get an external hard drive, but since it's my laptop I want everything I can on the internal drive.

So hopefully before the end of this week I'll have a 200gb internal drive installed and 2 100gb external laptop drives :) 1 100gb 7200rpm drive from my old powerbook, and the 100gb 7200 drive that is currently installed in this laptop.

I can't wait till we have 500gb laptop hard drives :)

So how much space do you laptop users have free? Do you use external drives for anything other than backups?

91TPU 03-18-2007 03:23 PM

ha my lappy sucks 20gigs total, C has like 2.5 gigs left, D is empty and is currently waiting to be filled. good thing i only keep limited amounts of music, video, pictures on it

dibble9012 03-18-2007 03:30 PM

Yea, I might have excessive amounts of music, videos, and pictures

43gb of Video
10gb of Music
4.5gb of Pictures

and about 700mb of actual work/documents, lol.

And I'll continue to keep everything on the same drive until they don't make laptop drives big enough. Of course I backup all of this on 2 external desktop sized drives.

This is what I plan on getting to put the old hard drive in. If anyone has suggestions for anything else that would be great, has to be FW400/USB 2.0 bus powered, and SATA. Also the same thing except PATA, preferably matching. Thats why I decided on this unit, it comes in PATA and SATA, so my old drive and the new drive match :) I'd rather have aluminum, but the clear is fine too.


Elkaholic 03-18-2007 03:35 PM

I have an 80Gig HD and it is half full so Ive got 40 left. I have a 120GB External at home that I need to get so I can back up everything.

89macrunner 03-18-2007 04:42 PM

On my ibook i have 35\80 used. No music or video just documents and pictures.

I have two external HD's

60gb WD 2.5in external has:
32gb of music
5gb of software
2gb of video

250gb external 3.5 drive made from a Maxtor HDD with two partitions on it.
I use Acronis (AWESOME) backup software to do this:
Image of my WD external hard drive.
Image of my Desktop PC with all the drivers stripped out but applications installed.

I backup the WD external image whenever I add more to my music library.

The 250gb external drive gets turned off when not in use to extend its life.

dibble9012 03-18-2007 05:26 PM

Yea I use DeJa Vu for backing up my mac, works great, makes a bootable copy so if my main hd dies, I can replace the hd and just clone the backup to the new drive and start working again.

lee 03-19-2007 03:46 AM

my pc has two 250gb harddrives.. so i have 500gb :D

however due to my pc having media center on it, i record a ton of tv, so i only have about 150 gigs left :(

Yota Tony 03-19-2007 07:08 AM

Drive 1 - 14BG free.
Drive 2 - 22.6GB free.

My laptop is for work only so I doubt I'll fill either drive up.

mastacox 03-19-2007 07:12 AM

I crank through the HD space no problem. I have two 200Gb hard drives, and a 60 Gb HD, between the two 200Gb drives I have perhaps 40Gb free. When I finally build a new computer, I'm going 1.5Tb (three 500Gb monstrosities) plus a "small" 100Gb for the OS, and never looking back :bigok:

HAVOC 03-21-2007 05:43 PM

I have 2 250GB HDD's. One is a quarter full, the other one is empty.

Dentonmac 03-21-2007 06:15 PM

Fellow Mac user! Excellent. There ARE a few of us out there.

PowerBook 17 - 11 gigs left on and 80 gig HD. Too much music, Freelance Design work and photos.

Dublin 03-21-2007 06:18 PM

Depends on the computer. My Powerbook 100g-3g free externals 80g, 80g, 60g, 30g and 10g. PC #1 gaming (2) 100g-60g & 40g free plus (2) 100g Raid array (may pull them and use for externals), (2) 80g externals. PC #2 movie recording (2) 80g. PC #3 old 486 500mb- 80mb free, 250mb full old Dos games and a 500mb Quick disk. iPAQ 63mb, storage card 512mb, CF 125 and micro drive 500mb. I've got too much junk, need to get some bigger drives and clean house.

DudeBud 03-22-2007 12:46 PM

around 500 gigs

i have 5 hds, 3 of which are 250 gigs, the other two are 160gigs

dibble9012 03-24-2007 12:37 PM

Well,finally got everything installed. 4200 RPM 200gb Toshiba drive in the Macbook Pro (which is a pita to open up btw) It's so nice to have over 100gb free space on a laptop!

Now I have two external 100gb laptop drives, might sell one of them soon so keep your eyes open for a "FS" thread :)

95ToyotaPU007 03-27-2007 11:53 AM

notebook - 45 GB
external HD - 300 GB

UncleBob 03-28-2007 12:13 PM

You guys are wierd.

I've only recently upgraded from a 2GB HD, 500MHZ machine. Did everything I needed it to do. Pics and Movies go to CD or DVD anyway. Had to pay attention to downloads and clean it regularly. I don't think my Brain even holds more than a few MB. And now, people are getting TB drives?

I hate computers, really. I've been IT support for 10 years now. When I get home from work, I don't really want to mess with them. I have a newer laptop that I've probably opened up twice, had it for a year now.

I really only use my PC for information. Forums and stuff. Oh, that, and downloading lots of pictures of boobies.

mastacox 03-28-2007 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by UncleBob (Post 50484094)
You guys are wierd.

I've only recently upgraded from a 2GB HD, 500MHZ machine. Did everything I needed it to do. Pics and Movies go to CD or DVD anyway. Had to pay attention to downloads and clean it regularly. I don't think my Brain even holds more than a few MB. And now, people are getting TB drives?

I have computer games where the full install in more than double the size of your entire hard drive. Hell, the install for Flight Simulator X is 10Gb!!! Not to mention that I encode my DVDs into DivX so that I can carry several with me on my 40 Gb external USB drive. In this day and age, I would have a lot of trouble getting by on less than 250Gb for my primary computer.

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

bob200587 03-28-2007 12:52 PM

My Laptop has:
48.7GB used
44.3GB free

Total: 93.1 GB

My External Seadisk has
257GB used
115GB free

Total: 372GB

Of that 257 GB used
Video: 233GB
Music: 19.8GB
Pictures: 161MB
Documents: 2.4 GB

amusement 03-29-2007 07:59 AM


CJM 03-29-2007 08:15 AM

I have 3 hard drives, a 160gb, 250gb and a 300gb. At last check I have oodles of free space but probably 200gb taken up with movie files for projects, and other junk.

li_runner 03-29-2007 11:06 AM

Wow lets do some math.

Primary desktop: 1.4TB only 300gb left.
MCE Computer: 500gb .. no idea it deletes files by itself if needbe.
Car Computer: 160gb 30gb left
Laptop: 160gb, 23gb left.
NAS: 1.0TB 700gb left.
External laptop drive = 80gb no clue.
External 3.5drive = 300gb no clue.

So thats 3.4 Terabytes about 2/3rds used, and this doesn't count the hard drives I have piled up in the corner (old scsi's, eide's)

What do I have you ask that takes so much space.

100+gb of music.
250+gb of photos in .raw format
I guess probably about a thousand dvd's in .divx format
Lots of images of dvds (no compression)
Lots of images of data cds (if it breaks burn a new one)
Oodles of data from computer backups, lots of ghost images.

I love how cheap per gigabyte storage is, and it's just going to keep getting cheaper.

Bring on solid state! :hillbill:

dibble9012 04-04-2007 06:15 AM

I replaced my laptop drive just in time. The computer was acting weird for a while (file system would get corrupted for no reason). Today the old laptop drive died in it's external enclosure. Not from heat or anything, just turned it on and it made loud clicking noises. So pay attention to your computer! and back all your important stuff up! All I lost was a windows XP parallels workstation image, and that is backed up at home :)

linuxrunner 04-04-2007 10:00 AM

Dual internal 100gig drives, one compleatly empty the other has 50gigs left, looking to buy dual 200gigs soon.

Desktop: 7 scsi raid drives each 30 gigs each (cheaper picking up old 30 gig scsi drives than buying a large new one) :D

NaeSLaS 04-12-2007 07:59 AM


not bad...

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