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GeminiFire 12-13-2009 09:08 PM

GeminiFire's 1980 Pickup Build-Up Thread - Project "Monstrocity"
Ok so i have a first gen 1980 toyota 4x4. its my baby. along with being my first truck, it has also taught me everything i know about mechanics.

His name is Monster short for Monstrocity.

i have rebuilt the top end, replaced the heatercore, and given it a nice stereo, oh and i had it tinted. it has a 4 or 5 inch spring lift. and until about a 2 weeks ago or so it had 35 inch wild countries on it.

now he's sporting some nice 31's all terrains, because i had to trade said 35's to imediately purchase this 22re motor with full engine harness, computer, igniter/coil, header, and all of the air filter ducts and assembly.
my truck is sporting the stock 20r with a weber carb(that i put on a few months after i got it, losing mileage and power i might add..) and i recently swapped a 5 speed out of an '83 for my crappy 4 speed that how'led in 3rd. however im going to convert it to efi with that 22re. lets see, now to go and try to find some conversion diagrams, ok i vow one thing on this thread..

if i actually do manage to get this efi sucker in that bad boy, i will show all of you who arent sure quite which wires to splice how to do it right... ive seen some other 20r/22r to 22re swaps but no one that i have seen has shown the exact wires to splice...

ok so now that i have the tranny is in, my motor starts leaking oil out the rear main seal, of course i changed the clutch and all accosiated bearings but i forgot the rear main SEAL!!! so after 2 tries i finally got it.

you have to understand, this truck has broken down on me so many times i cant get even count, hence why i said i have learned alot on this road of owning my toyota.

so knowing that you wont be suprized to hear what happened last week! i went out of town about an hour to get a really cool trail gear rear bumper(which doesnt fit quite right where it bolts in i think its because mines a long bed) it was dark and on the way out to the neighboring town(mcminville, or from salem, or, i live in salem) my truck had developed a weird rattle to it, an uneveness. now ive never had the fortune of driving on uneven tires and i had been driving on these 31s for a few months now, so i couldnt quite figure out why by the time i was to the next town, my truck was shaking so far i felt like i was on a back road.

i decided to try and get home(after grabbing that tail bumper of course!)

on the way back while i was going a miserable 55 while everyone else is passing me out in the farm country, my truck let me know what was now shaking me so hard i had a headache and i was seriously worried that my windows would all shatter.

my rear driveline POPPED off the transmission output shaft ripping 2 holes in my cab floor before hitting the ground and i think unalligned my rear axles.

i landed in a field and 3 cars (the closest one was tailgating me before the crash) passed me without even stopping to see if i was ok, i didnt flip it but it was pretty close since the field was a good 5 feet lower than the road.

i got out thinking my tranny fell out(thats what it sounded like) to find out it was just the drive shaft(when i reattached the drivelines after the tranny swap i torqued on them as much as possible thinking using the same screws that they had had in them would no have a problem.

i was wrong, apparently it just wasnt enough. so my friend drives an hour to come bring me tools to take the other end of the driveline out. after that i drove the rest of the way home(most of the way) in 4wd while my friend followed.

we got it home and its safe and sound, but im done with it for awhile. so instead of letting it rott and losing interest, or selling it, i decided to give it a makeover, maybe that will make it happy. so now im going to restore it little by little not necessarily frame up, but frame essentially the same thing im just not starting with the frame.

thanks for listening to its history, i know your probably board and hell by now but if your like me you know to know the history on these trucks. it brings us all closer. :)
furthermore i would like to thank my wonderful girlfriend(essentially my wife) for taking most of these pictures and dealing with our rainy day funds and bonus checks quickly disapearing into this damn project, so, Alyssa, my darling, i am in your debt.)

so on to the build.

today (12-13-09) i wanted to strip the interior and rip out the carpet and the soaking under carpet stuff.
i had redone the undercarpet on my gmc yukon(1995) a few months ago so i had some left over(ok a lot) so all i need for the interior eventually will be new carpet which i have found so far for about 130 or 140 bucks. (its blue now but eventually the interior will be black.)

but first i have to chip up the old tar stuff the factory blobbed on in 1980. heres some shots of that going on, im trying to get to a really nice collection of rust(cancer) holes.

heres a shot of the passenger side
heres a shot of the damage of the rear driveline from that accident i told you about.

also last week i bought some herculiner to do my own roll in bed liner so heres some before pictures.

and heres a shot of the tailgate, lets try my first hand at bondo shall we? heres another before shot for that too(both the bondo work and the truck liner is going to have to wait for a warmer day, probably in the spring but we will see how anxious i get)
and the passenger side rear quarterpanel,

ok, more later, love you guys, let me know how im doing so far!



ok peace.

ok so its tomorrow(12-14-09) a monday... eh.. had to go to work...

but im home now and had about an hour of light after work so i finished chipping away at the tar coating to get the the full floor of the cab. heres the pics of that.

and after i took the chunks away, now i just have to grind down to the rust and cut out the worst of it. then i get to teach myself to weld, until today i have never even seen a welder, no joke, so we will see how this goes.

heres the chipped away shavings of the tar. ill be herculining the interior for sound proofing reasons and then ill cover it up with brand new BLACK carpets that i just ordered today.

i also ordered a brand new BLACK dash cap today as well. both parts from JC Whitney. i had a 20% off coupon, hell yeah.
ill take pics of the welder i got from harbor freight tomorrow in the light.
suggestions for this project are VERY appreciation, peace out for tonight guys.

and Slacker, i got your message in my email but not on here. i would LOOOOOOOOVE pictures of the relays and 9 wires i will have to swap for the 22re motor.
and heres a few random pics just because i have them...
this is my dog Ghost. shes half German Shepard, and half Coyote.
and this is one of my 2 cats. this is Felix.
this is me finishing up the sticks on my (new to me) 5 speed out of the '83 i was talking about.
see you guys tomorrow.

GeminiFire 12-13-2009 09:26 PM

please disregard this post, newbie mistake i cant delete it. also if a moderator is reading this, please delete my other build right under this one (or right above i forgot). thanks.

Tracey98277 12-13-2009 10:34 PM

wow an '80! i have never seen one of those still on the road. nice truck! that hurculiner is good stuff, i did the inside of my 4runner with it.

85toyman 12-14-2009 11:14 AM

Nice truck. I have seen your canopy on craigslist. Small world. Good luck on your build. I have an 85 Extra cab with EFI so if you have any questions along the way, or need a picture of how something is wired let me know with and I will try to help you. Good luck

GeminiFire 12-14-2009 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by 85toyman (Post 51306939)
Nice truck. I have seen your canopy on craigslist. Small world. Good luck on your build. I have an 85 Extra cab with EFI so if you have any questions along the way, or need a picture of how something is wired let me know with and I will try to help you. Good luck

hey thanks for the offer i will definately be needing help so if you want (since your apparently close to me) you can come and help me, im in Salem, and then i would ow you one(and im not joking either ill need all the help with wiring i can get, and i would DEFINATELY help you out with your next big undertaking). let me know.. haha.

but either way ill probably take you up on the picture thing.

4banginRunner 12-14-2009 06:18 PM

Good start, please post EVERYTHING you can on wiring...I went down this road with my 79 and a 87 22RE...never could keep in running with a 82 Pickup 22R/ 87 4Runner 22RE harness. I think next time I'll just be using a complete 86-95 reg cab 22RE harness and be done.

GeminiFire 12-14-2009 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by 4banginRunner (Post 51307301)
Good start, please post EVERYTHING you can on wiring...I went down this road with my 79 and a 87 22RE...never could keep in running with a 82 Pickup 22R/ 87 4Runner 22RE harness. I think next time I'll just be using a complete 86-95 reg cab 22RE harness and be done.

yeah i vow to post EVERY little detail for this swap. sort of a trial and error version of a walk through.

have no fear i will be posting about EVERY little problem i run across. i feel like im posting TOO MANY pics already. lol

GeminiFire 12-15-2009 06:31 PM

Alright, well, i got a few things done today, but it was raining hard and it wasn't very practical to whip the camera out, so i will first thing in the morning. WOOT for my day off..

i cut out the rust holes in the cab floor and taught myself how to weld.(thanks youtube)
im no good at it and it speckles bits of metal everywhere(so ill have to grind it all away later to hide the fact that i SUCK at welding.) i bought a big ass piece of steel at our local metal yard today to practice on(and it just happens to be really damn close to the thickness of my truck's metal, so when i practice more i can actually USE the rest of the practice piece... 11 bucks for that)

oh ya!! i also got a light bar to go on top of my roof and attach to the gutters of the truck and it has holes for 7 lights.. however i will have to cut it down about 6 inches (even though its semi-adjustable) because its way too long i think its for a newer jeep or a full size rig or something... so after i cut it down it will only hold 5 lights.. but thats still more than enough for me.

the guy was asking 50 for it, and i got it for 24.. ;) awesomeness... its a CARR brand fyi.
talk to you guys tomorrow and with PICS!!!

GeminiFire 12-18-2009 09:00 AM

Ok guys, not alot has changed, i welded in 1 plate(out of 3 or 4) the other night and need to repatch the patch i keep poking holes in the damn floor.

im going to the local junk yard right now after this post and am going to go cut out a whole floor pan out of another truck so i can just have a perfectly formed replacement floor for mine. i just bought a wireless sawzaw oh ya baby.

OH!!! i cant find a replacement fuel sending unit ANYWHERE thats new. i dont want used who knows how long it will last.. can ANYONE tell me where i can get one new? are the 2nd gen sending units compatible with the first gens?

GeminiFire 12-18-2009 07:11 PM

Ok, so i went to the junk yard and i found the truck i was going to cut up(already had the roof cut out presumably because it must have had a sunroof at one point). it had a nice drivers side floor... it was perfect... the first time using the cordless sawzaw was great.... NOT... the damn thing ran out of juice in UNDER A MINUTE!!!!! the drill master cordless sawzaw from harbor frieght is a terrible pos... whats the point of having something mobile if it only cuts about 1 foot of thin steel before it dies??

ok anyway.. i went straight to work after puncturing literally hundreds of holes in it with a screwdriver and a hammer. i had the piece and i grabbed some other goodies too...

i just got back from work and the damn piece i cut out has waaaaay more ridges and bumps than my toyota... wtf?? i thought first gens were the same?? so now im really discouraged, i have to bend metal even AFTER i went and got the part(bending metal is what i was trying to AVOID....) so i have my work cut out for me(literally) for tomorrow or sunday.. heres some pics...

oh, and i really need to know if anyone has replaced their fuel sending unit in a first gen. PLEASE ADVISE!!!
heres the mig welder im using. its small, and crappy, but its all i could afford at the moment.
some really crappy first welds i did. i got a little better, but the metal i got from the metal scrap yard is SLIGHTLY thicker than the metal in the truck so it will be interesting to see how that comes out.


i cut out the rust holes and realized all too clearly that there is no going back now..


heres my workspace. its a garage in a duplex so its reeeeally small. but its better than my last place.. an upstairs appartment!!!


this is some rust thats not quite a hole but has some cracks in it??? so im just going to weld it closed i guess...? its near the rear of the cab on the drivers side near where the seat would bolt in, in the back incase you cant tell..


this is the worst of the 3 holes i cut out of my truck.

and thats really all the progress i have made.. actually to be honest i welded in a plate closest to the door but i just havent taken a snapshot of it yet... i will tomorrow or sunday..


85toyman 12-18-2009 09:46 PM

keep up the good work. Keep us posted on the progress

GeminiFire 12-22-2009 10:22 PM

Ok so i know i havent been around for the past few days, but i was swingin a sweet deal that landed me this nice 1987 extracab pickup with some loud noises in the motor like a piston hitting the head or something. its not valve chatter but idk.. its also spitting oil out the front of the motor somewhere. the timing chain was just replaced. it needs new front shocks... um.. cosmetically it looks like it has 100,000 miles on it. its not an sr5 but its a deluxe model. its an auto tranny. this thing was 1150 bucks with an alarm system(that supposedly is all there just needs to be wired up) and a nice deck and equalizer. heres one pic of it for now. 1150 bucks!!!!!!!! it even has the bumper ends!!!!!
and heres one more of the interior.
peace out.

85toyman 12-22-2009 10:34 PM

Dude where did you find that? Looks nice, you gonna take your 22re and through it in this and wheel this instead? If the canopy on it needs a new home let me know, I have been wanting one for my truck, pm me

ElephanT 12-23-2009 07:44 AM

Dude youve got to get it... It has cup holders!

GeminiFire 12-23-2009 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by 85toyman (Post 51314017)
Dude where did you find that? Looks nice, you gonna take your 22re and through it in this and wheel this instead? If the canopy on it needs a new home let me know, I have been wanting one for my truck, pm me

i know it has cup holders!!!! that was a huuuge plus..

he was going to charge me 1500 (he just spend like 300 on the canopy) so i said i would pay 1150 if he took it off.. which he did). so i dont have it unfortunately.

i took the front of the motor apart today and am replacing all the timing cover, waterpump and front main seals and gaskets to deal with that oil leak that was spraying out somewhere when the last guy took it down(really recently it looks like, like a few weeks ago or something) to change the timing chain.(looks brand new). when i get that put back together im going to adjust the valves because im PRETTY sure they are whats making knocking sounds.

its not in top dead center but 2 of the rockers have about 1/16" play in them from the lobes they ride on, so im thinking thats as bad as it gets. buuuut worst case scenario, ill just throw in the 22re i was saving for MONSTER (the first gen).

the play in the rockers would make sense right???
ya and i have to emphasize this guys... this truck is CHERRY. its MINT. it looks like it has a few years of road grime on it, its all stock and it is in AMAZING shape. i cant believe these things still existed. and i got such a great deal i feel like im dreaming. ill take lots of pics here soon when i get it running and tuned up.

85toyman 01-05-2010 10:36 PM

Whats up with selling the 87? I see it on CL for sale. You going to pocket the nice profit and dump it into your 1st gen? In your posting here you mentioned you were changing the front main, but apparently didn't, or did you find something else wrong?

Inquireing minds want to know? What happened

johnnyradwheels 01-13-2010 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by GeminiFire (Post 51310678)
some really crappy first welds i did.

I've got about 14 years experience in metal fab, people with similar experience might be unkind and say that weld looks like birds#!t, but if you've never touched a wleding machine before, that's a pretty damn good first effort.

GeminiFire 01-14-2010 07:39 AM

heh, thanks, like i said they got a little better. ill post pics of the finished welds i just lost interest for the time being and life got in the way. i have 1 more patch to put in then im going to hit it from the bottom so it doesnt start to rust away down there.

BIGBOCK 01-15-2010 08:41 PM

GemeniFire, would you mind taking a closer pic of your 22re on the backside of the engine where it connects to the bellhousing. I have an antifreeze leak on mine from the plate with 5 bolts under the valve cover. Just need somewhat of a closeup to study it a little so I can see it a little closer before I pull it off to replace the seal. My engine is in my truck so I can only see it with mirrors. Thanks for your consideration.

GeminiFire 01-16-2010 09:00 AM

Bigbock, sure im at work now so ill get that later today. i have a mysterious coolant loss issue but mine just eats it up i havent found a leak yet.

pics soon to come!

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