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-   -   A couple quick SAS after market axle-knuckle gusset shock mount question.. whew.. (https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f152/couple-quick-sas-after-market-axle-knuckle-gusset-shock-mount-question-whew-160741/)

toyospearo 12-02-2008 08:54 PM

A couple quick SAS after market axle-knuckle gusset shock mount question.. whew..
I cut off the old shock mounts and I have the Wabbits kit in transit. I carefully marked the alignment rotation of the old shock mount. I am wondering why it is off center of the leaf spring mount hole. Is this correct? I laid a small angle ruler and measured and drew the line perfectly (according to the placment of the old shock mount.) It seems strange that it is off by almost a 1/4 inch. It is the same on both sides. Before I start welding the new ones on I want to be sure.

4rnr 12-03-2008 06:18 AM

Im guessing caster angles, which doesnt affect shocks.

waskillywabbit 12-03-2008 06:48 AM



ZUK 12-03-2008 07:13 AM

I don't know how set you are on getting everything welded in place before mounting the axle up to the rig....but it could be to your advantage to tack weld the tabs in place with the weight of the truck on the axle and shocks in place.....it will let you fine tune where it needs to be to clear everything. ZUK

rivercat 12-07-2008 04:18 PM

i had some clearance issues between the felts and gussets [at full steering lock] probablly could have avoided this if the axle was assembled.... fixed it with the grinder after the fact....

trilabracing 02-15-2009 08:18 AM

I'm about to weld on some knuckle gussets as well. This is my second thanks to toyospearo for much needed "dumbass documentation"! I'm glad I found this thread. Just to be sure; the above pictures are the correct placement for the gussets. right?

trilabracing 02-15-2009 01:34 PM

I just read on PBB that its better to just line them up straight with the trunion bearing hole. i guess a 1/4in won't make that much difference tough...

toyospearo 02-15-2009 02:00 PM

"dumbass documentation?" I dont follow?
I had a few people look at the placement. And, I drew the lines EXACTLY where the old shock mounts were. The distance from the outer edge of the hole in the leaf bracket was exactly the same relative to the old shock mount. SOO, by deductive reasoning I figure I got it pretty close.
If you do this I think you will be ok.
The Wabbit even said so :banger:

trilabracing 02-15-2009 02:42 PM

dumbass documentation or DD:
That's my way of saying pictures. pictures = dumbass documentation, because I just like pictures. Lets face it, they are much easier than text. They certainly clarify things for those of us who are newbs. If it came off offensive, I appologise. I wasn't trying to put anyone down but myself. Keep the pictures coming!

As for the gussets... I think I'll do the same as you did. Just measure them out from the spring alignment holes. That way I know they're where they should be.

I wonder if there were slight differences in shock mounts based on the axle year. For example an 85 would be different from and 81...

toyospearo 02-15-2009 03:02 PM

Oh, no offense taken. I just wasn't sure what that meant. I agree about pictures. I try to post as many as possible when trying to figure out something. It makes it much more easy for me. I am not the sharpest tack in the drawer.
I hope that thread helped. The placement of the shock mounts is strange on the SA relative to everything else on there.

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