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Remko- 02-17-2007 02:15 PM

using a come-along
how many of you guys use a come-along when you go out wheeling?

i went up the mountian here a bit just messing around and there was quite a bit of mud about. all i have on my truck right now are winter tires so i was pretty carefull to stay out of anything that looked deep. but it got me thinking that maybe i should have some sort of self recovery availible to me. ive used a come-along on the farm before and i asusme that it can be used to pull a truck forward. my question is. what strength do i need... 2 ton? and any tips on what to look for when buying or using one would be great

MudHippy 02-17-2007 05:11 PM

Just used mine yesterday. I make it a habit to get stuck once in a while, and even with a hi-lift jack, I don't go wheelin' w/o my 10,000lb come-along. I busted the 5,000lb model with ease. My new one will lift my entire rig off the ground. I have saved my life with the things, and they are way lighter than an elec. winch. They got a 15,000lb, I got my eye on, when I need a new one. No such thing as over-kill in situations where a winch is called for. A tip would be to carry 2" tow straps, for less weight, yet plenty of strength. I don't use anything rated for less than 5,000lbs. Chains are nice, because they don't stretch, but they weigh considerably. Make sure you got about 30-50ft altogether, or more, ya never know where the nearest tree's gonna be. A tree-saver strap may be needed, ethicaly, though I've personaly never dug into a tree with a 2" strap.

Gerdo 02-17-2007 05:59 PM

Where did you get a 10k# CAL? What did it cost? I've got a 2 ton one that has saved me and others for years. I would like a 10k but they can be expensive.

MudHippy 02-17-2007 06:11 PM

The Cummins tool folks show up at the local grange hall, with 2 trailors full of stuff, cheap, every 2-3 months. I paid $29 for the 10k, they want $39 for the 15k. They are the only place I know to get the 15k. Other places in town have the 10k for $40+. Surely, you can find one somewhere. That ain't the biggest I've seen, my uncle, a logger, has one that is HUGE. the drum on it is at least 8-10", with about a 3' handle. I'll ask him where he got it.

4banginRunner 02-17-2007 06:15 PM

i always keep a 4ton in the tool box in the bed of my truck...never had to use it...but its nice to know if i did need it, i got it..i would love a winch but thats $$ + a bumper which is more $$ haha, a come-a-long, a good 50ft of strap, about 25ft of chain, + lots of D shackles...thats my recovery equip. for now

Remko- 02-17-2007 06:20 PM

Awesome that gets me in the right direction. i was thinking i might use a pully but with 10,000 pounds i dont think id need one. how do you set it up? just one end on the truck and the other to a strap thats around a tree?

MudHippy 02-17-2007 06:22 PM

The trick is being able to adjust the length of the straps, should you choose that route. Chains make all that, much simpler. We are talking inches of movement at a time, once the stretch is achieved. Not so, with chains. You'll figure it out, when the situation dictates your options for you. The methods probably vary greatly. I've tried most, I'm sure, and have yet to bust a strap. Experiment, you'll be suprised. I am afraid to mention any specifics, alot of what I've done would, no doubt, be considered outside of proper usage parameters. Just try not pullin' down too many trees.:hillbill:

jjrgr21 02-18-2007 05:57 AM

the biggest i've seen is a 6k

Wild Turkee 02-18-2007 06:53 AM

oh they get much bigger, iv seen 20k+, they use chain insted of cable, :nerd:

jjrgr21 02-18-2007 09:47 AM

i just get the 4k, they do ok, and they are cheap

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