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-   -   Pennsylvania Gulch in Colorado (Fourmile Fire) (https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f15/pennsylvania-gulch-colorado-fourmile-fire-219848/)

mike_d 09-09-2010 09:03 AM

Pennsylvania Gulch in Colorado (Fourmile Fire)
I hope this is a reasonable place to put this post. It's probably been two years since I've been active on YT and lots has changed since I was here last.

So I don't know how many of you know about the big fire we have in Colorado right now, but I live in one of the evacuated areas. In fact I was out of the house when everything started, so I haven't had a chance to get back. I've been looking at my house via satellite images, and it looks like I'm safely out of the burn area, however the only road to my house goes through the heart of the fire. So there's no easy way for me to get home.

Near my house is Pennsylvania Gulch and I've hiked it a couple of times but never did any 4 wheeling. I know it's sad, I live in a great place to go wheeling, but I've been too busy at work to actually take any trips. I was wondering if anyone out here has done Pennsylvania Gulch lately and how hard it is. The only rig I have available is my '07 4Runner, 35" MTRs and 2" lift, Donahoe Coilovers up front, OME in the back. I'm not a very experienced wheeler, I generally just use my truck as a tool to get me in the back country to hike and bike, rather than seeking out the hard trails to go wheeling on.

Any insight on attacking Pennsylvania Gulch from the Peak to Peak highway down would be great!

(Feel free to move this post if I put it in the wrong place).


dark_fairytales 09-09-2010 11:12 AM

its not the right place but im sure a mod will move it.

as for you not having much experience wheeling. you should think about what your asking first.

wheeling in an area where there is a current wildfire is risking your life. the matter of difficulty of trail is negligent. you never know when you will have a break down. We understand your trying to get home and save some valuables but life is priceless.

Im truly Sorry, i could not help you in the way you wanted.

92 TOY 09-09-2010 12:32 PM

Mike, likewise i share the same sentiment. i am sorry for all the problems right now you are having.

I have no insight as to the question about the wheeling.

I also have nothing good to say about your idea. You are willing to risk your life and potentially the lives of rescuers who will either need to retrieve you or will be checking on you because you made a judgement error.

it's vey easy for me to sit here and type this as i do not feel what you feel. but understand this, you have the potential for making your bad situation much worse.

bottom line. don't do it. reconsider your idea and choose a different way of dealing with what is happening.

good luck. please be safe.

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