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jrohland 09-16-2009 05:18 AM

Where are the weak spots?
I'm going wheeling for the first time with my '97 T100 (4x4, 5-speed, raised) in a few weeks. I am wondering what the weak spots are on the T100. What should I watch out for? I am planning to drive it to the wheeling spot (George Washington National Forest, VA and WV). I don't want to have it pulled home (about 145 kilometers [90 miles]) on a flat bed.

The organizers say these trails are mild to moderate. Even Jeeps can make them. I am not that worried about it but I will have my family with me so a break down would really suck.


jpmountainboy 09-16-2009 07:04 AM

spare tire, keep an eye on your temp gauge as to not over heat, dont spin your wheels fast on rocks...when they catch you can break an axle.

take your time and dont try to be cool. you should also invest in a cheapo set of those big (2.5 inch wide?) ratchet straps or a come-along.

Oh...and bring a shovel!

jpmountainboy 09-16-2009 07:07 AM

oh and as far as "Weak Spots"...its a Toyota:D

BamZipPow 09-16-2009 07:19 AM

Weak spots...approach angle would be one...especially with the front valence and the overhang past the rear wheels.

Did you check to make sure the clutch pedal bracket has been replaced? The original had a tendency to crack. :(

I would stick to the easy trails so you can learn what yer T-100 can/can't do before you go to the more advanced trails. Kinda like you wouldn't want to jump into a championship match against the current world champion... ;)

jrohland 09-16-2009 07:37 AM

No ego=no showing off
I have no ego so it won't be necessary for me to show off. I plan to stick with the easy stuff. I do have a tow strap I picked up a Advance Auto (so you know it is crap). I will throw the come-along in with a couple shovels. I will be with a bunch of experienced wheelers. They should be able to get me out of most trouble spots.

I used to motocross so I have experience reading trails.

I replaced the seized ADD vacuum soleniods and now the 4x4 light comes on when I switch. I assume this means the front axle is engaging. As I understand the ADD circuit, the 4x4 indicator lights when the engage fork slides over in the front dif. If I get off my lazy rear I will put it up on jack stands and check the drive wheels.


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