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Mohamed 06-07-2002 07:35 AM

Chamosis or wringer
Fellas, I wash my "T" a few weeks ago and now it needs another wash (thanks to drivers that throw out soda's out the window :mad: ). But when I did wash it, I used a wringger, but it left a dusty film on the body, I took my truck in for an oil change (ya, ya...I am lazy to do my own oil change lately :yawn: ) and had the dealer wash it, but they used a chamosis and that also left a worse film.

So my questoin is, help an idiot who doesn't know how to wash a car (seriously, I am bad at it) and what should I use? Costco has these cheaper chamosis, but I am sure they will leave a film. So suggestions?

Corey 06-07-2002 07:41 AM

Mohamed, take a looksee at my detail page in my sig file below.
I use to use a 100% cotton towel to wipe my rig down, and it got all the water spots off.
But I had to go over it a few times and constantly wring out the towel.

I found a neat synthetic towel from Griot's Garage, and it does the trick.
I can get all the H20 off my rig in one pass with it.
It is worth the $$$ to me also if the item performs as they claim it will.

Yeah, hit my link below, then go to the wax section, and the towel is near the top.
It won't leave any film behind.

Mohamed 06-07-2002 07:57 AM

Hmm, I think that towel you are talking about is the same type of material in the wringer I bought. It's kinda squishy, yet foamy.

Is this the towel you are talking about:


Corey 06-07-2002 08:04 AM

That is the same towel.

You should not be getting any film left using it.
What kind of car wash soap are you using?

Mohamed 06-07-2002 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Corey
That is the same towel.

You should not be getting any film left using it.
What kind of car wash soap are you using?

hmm...don't remember, but it's really good stuff. I can tell you it's purple, but that's all I remember. The stuff is at home and i'll see if I can get more info when I get home.

[EDIT] wait a minute, when I zoomed up on that picture, that definatly looks like a different towel. That isn't the foamy, squisshy wringer towel I have. Corey does Kragen's or pep boys have that towel in stock, or I look, never mind.

Thanks Corey,

Corey 06-07-2002 11:28 AM

Nope, most of Griot's stuff can only be had directly through them.
I use Meguiar's Pink carwash gel. Been using it for years, and I like it.

I do use a lot of Griot's stuff for waxing, but so far I have not been tempted to try their carwash soap.
Maybe after I run out of the Meguiar's.

Get that towel, you will like it.
Corey :mrc:

Mohamed 06-07-2002 11:36 AM

Unfortunately, I need to get it today, I am washing the truck tomorrow (it's the only day I have free), but Kragen does sell something very similar and that is a micro fiber drying towel. Generic brand, but essentially the same thing.

Come to think of it, my car wash solution is Meiguar's also...ah here it is:


This stuff as cheap as it looks, works beautifully!

BTOWN4RUNNER 06-07-2002 06:27 PM

This might sound dumb, but I air dry mine. I wash it and then go to the local highway near me and drive fast (not too fast) and it dries it by air. It is really cool. I then wipe down the stuff the wind doesn't get (rear window, etc.). It seems to work pretty well and does not require any or much effort. Maybe you want to give that a try! :beaver:


Corey 06-07-2002 06:48 PM

Blow dry
In Griot's catalogs he recommends taking a gas or electric blower to your rig and give it a blow job :eek:
That gets a lot of the H20 out of the nooks & crannies.

I remember growing up my dad would jump in his white '68 Buick Skylark and drive around the block after washing it, then come back and towel dry it.

He would do the same for his white mid '80's Buick Century.
See the similarities here? He owned white vehicles as far back as I can remember.
I am on my 3rd white Toyota now :D
My next one will be white too.

BTOWN4RUNNER 06-07-2002 06:58 PM

I would give my vehicle a low job but that would burn my lips...LOL...:ignore: I mean blowing it off and air drying it does make sense. It is easy and does a good job. You can always do what the air misses later. That is what I do, I think it works great! :dunno: :beaver:


butnut 06-09-2002 01:45 PM

I use the Water Sprite in my detail and touch up business. I love it. It's the best I have used ever. I use the big size. I use it 6 days a week and it has lasted 14 months. It's still useable, but it's leaving tiny fibers when I wipe, so I replaced it. It's synthetic and it does'nt drag like the Absorber. Try it. You'll love it.
:nerd: butnut

Mohamed 06-09-2002 07:53 PM

You know what i used, i bought something called "The absorber" and it's a different foamy squishy towel. Man, I tell you this thing worked beautiful and dried everything off with no dust and no water spots....wee-hee !!!

Corey 06-09-2002 08:16 PM

Brain, just looked at the Water Sprite one that you use.
It looks pretty similiar to the one I use from Griot's.
I see that you can toss it in the wash machine too like the Griot's one.

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