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-   -   Little rust on the bed. POR15 no welding. (https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f120/little-rust-bed-por15-no-welding-220552/)

Mister2 09-20-2010 04:34 PM

Little rust on the bed. POR15 no welding.
Hi. My bed has some rust. Yesterday I finally crawl underneath and there has been rusted out holes on the bottom of the bed that has rusted though. The whole bed has been rolled with nonskid (don't know the name, but like a navy ship). I can see the nonskid from underneath from the rust out missing piece.

I can't weld. My question is I have read really good stuff about POR15. I want to take of the bed and sand it down to metal and use POR15. I want to Redo the frame. Mostly the back end. The front end looks great.

Opinion please.

Other option is want to get a welder, learn and cut and weld, LOL. I want to keep the truck, forever ever.

HighLux 09-20-2010 04:57 PM

por 15 is good stuff....make sure to use thier metal ready first...wash then por15.

por15 fades with uv exposure (sun to you in the south) so top coat is advised
for sun exposed areas.

844x4 09-30-2010 02:51 PM

isued por 15 on my frame nefore and it looked great. Maybe not being able to weld you would be better off finding a used bed to swap out?

Mister2 09-30-2010 05:46 PM

I don't think I would have any luck finding one around here. I'll try to take better pictures of it tomorrow or saturday. Been busy working :(

TinMan 09-30-2010 06:20 PM

Cut the rust out to the good metal, sand down the metal around where you cut out the rust. If you are going to strip the whole bed use a chemical stripper. Clean the bed with a good degreaser, then with Marine Clean, then use Metal ready. POR 15 it all. Then cut pieces of sheet metal bigger than the holes. Shape to fit. Clean and POR15 the Patches. Pop rivet the patches over the holes. Use 3M seam sealer on the edges of the patches, Both sides, and over the rivets. It may not look the best, but will last for many more years. And just about anyone could do it.


Mister2 10-02-2010 12:36 PM

Ok. So after reading some more about welding and stuff I have come to a plan. Understand my cars and truck are not my priority. I am active duty, drive 1.5 hours to and from base, a 9 month son and a second on the way, and a student part time becoming a RN.

Please put in your 2 cent. Not male RN are gay. Well because I'm not :)

I'm going to take a class on welding next semester and save up for a welder. I am looking to get a 110v. I don't have 240v but am thinking installing 240v in the basement and just running an extension outside. Cost less and doesn't violate city code when I sell the house. This is why I didn't bother to buy an air compressor for painting.

Engine wise I am keeping it stock. I'm a little interested in swapping a 1uzfe but too costly. Not adding a Weber, cams or header.

I want to get it in shape 1st. Its got a a cheap 3" from pro comp. Either way it looks nice.

Here are the pictures of the rust.









Mister2 10-02-2010 12:40 PM











This is how most of the rust looks like. Mostly on the bed and back end of the truck. The cab looks great. If I was to repaint it to a different color it would be black.

Mister2 10-02-2010 12:46 PM

a pair of rusted doors I picked up locally for parts.

Some more parts. I picked this all up for 40 bucks. The rest was rusted. The truck spent it's life up here.




Mister2 10-02-2010 12:49 PM

This is what I am using to do my painting. Got it donated free with no gun

The new gun I just got. It's a Fuji.

I also wanted to learn how to weld also incase one day I wanted to put a marlin lift and do a 1uzfe swap.

Mister2 10-02-2010 12:52 PM

The truck looks clean and I want to keep it looking clean for the years to come.

Mister2 10-02-2010 12:56 PM

I forgot to add. Whats is going to be the easiest way to get this rolled on liner off (sorry don't know the exact term).


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