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moroza 04-04-2012 07:48 PM

First-time spring swap; can I keep the stock hangers?
I'm installing Ford 57" springs onto my '81. They are 2mm wider than stock on each side (4mm total). There's a >5mm gap between the stock spring and the front hanger on each side (>10mm total), which the bushing takes up. With how much load the spring hanger sees, is it acceptable to bend it out to accommodate the wider Ford bushing? Alternatively, suppose I find a bushing that fits the springs but is Toyota width, to fit the stock hanger without bending it; will I have squeaking or other problems with the slightly reduced clearance?

The springs are from 1986 and the bushing rubber is hard and cracked, so I'll be replacing them anyway. Should I go for stock bushings and call it a day, or are there meaningful upgrades to consider (I wouldn't mind softer ones)?

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