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aaron_crane 04-01-2008 06:47 PM

power steering/ oil leak

This is my first post. I have had a 71 land-cruiser since I was 16 ( now almost 20). recently I bought a 92 4runner v6. I have a couple questions

1. I seem to have a power steering leak. When I got the truck fluid levels were fine but I noticed fluid leaking out of the top of the reservoir? I was changing front brakes and when I was twisting the rotors to put the pads back in some gurgled up and out of the top of the reservoir. I figured it was just due to me turning the steering wheel back and forth while the truck wasn't on, but it keeps leaking out of the top. I got a seal rebuild kit for the power-steering pump that I saw on another thread, I am just wondering if anyone has insight onto why its pushing fluid up and out of reservoir?

2. I am taking the truck in friday to deal with an oil leak. i am having water pump replaced, crank seal, and timing belt done. is there anything else I should have done while it's all ripped apart?


aaron_crane 04-02-2008 04:05 PM

I was told to do cam seals as well while it was ripped apart.

I am still curious about power steering coming out of the top of the reservoir, even when fluid is between medium and low on the fill line. Anyone have ideas?


aaron_crane 04-04-2008 04:24 PM

Oil was leaking from pretty much everywhere... New crank and cam seals, valve covers were leaking water pump was pretty bad. everything is replaced and for now no oil leaks.

mechanic couldn't tell me why the power steering was leaking from the reservoir, told me I should just replace the pump. I am going to rebuild it and see what happens.

Any Ideas would be helpful

navy4runners 04-05-2008 06:06 AM

I am going to replace mine today , its a 94 4runner , I have been reading treads and looks like the main problem is the front pulley after that part is out be carefull with the order of the pressure lines and vacum lines if they get putback in the wrong order this could short the life of the pump a lot ! any ways I will take pictures as I go and try to post them > I am new to the internet thingy but I will try .

Power steering systems work with a lot of presue and this will increase as the car is runnig , however if there is a clog somewhere in a seal or line or wrong plug inn line the preasure might stay high for a while after the engine has stop moving the wheels could send presure back into the lines .

Brenjen 04-05-2008 07:23 AM

I've had one do that someone had overfilled once. My guess would be that it's too full of fluid or the seals are bad. I've never reversed the lines to see what it would do so I'm of no use there.

dirtoyboy 04-06-2008 06:29 AM

correct, Brenjan....an overfilled reservoir will "spit up" excess fluid through the cap....

Just keep an eye on it ....

It's better to overfill it than have it run dry (pump will burn up)

navy4runners 04-06-2008 03:33 PM

Due to circunstances I had to replace mine in the rain at autozone parking lot , first the pulley wont came of so I had to bend it to actually remove it from the car second after loose the hydralic hose bolt was so tight that I have to reinstall the pump to actually remove it . I recomend to remove the sensor once that the pump is out of the car , autozone had a wise in the back and let me used it , I guess the felt sorry for me been all soak and dirty all and all took me arround $ 100 to do this and 5 hours . Spect it to be a mess if your SUV is a second or first gen. because of the time and corrosion bonding all parts together . I jack it up and bleed it and after that worked like a charm I drove it today and the noise was gone and the smooth steering was great , worth doing it . good luck I will try to post the pics later on.

rajin 04-06-2008 05:35 PM

I am still curious about power steering coming out of the top of the reservoir, even when fluid is between medium and low on the fill line. Anyone have ideas?


I had aproblem once , which turns out to be the pump was sucking air from
under the reservoir(air bubbles in fluid will cause it to over-flow)

aaron_crane 04-15-2008 09:35 PM

Well I have not had the time to rebuild the pump yet. right now its ripped out and at the work bench at home. ( I am away at school for a couple more weeks)

that makes sense it would push up and out if it was over filled but even with the reservoir almost dry it was still pushing a bit out. It wasn't a lot of fluid but the top of the reservoir had some spillage on it. I had a friend pick me up a cap off a ps pump at the junkyard so maybe it just had a bad seal. wont know for a couple weeks though.

man not having power steering is a pain though. I was parallel parked the other day and some jerk gave me about 4 inches of room took me forever to get out. by the time I was done I was sweating from turning the wheel back and forth lol!

I haven't been ignoring this thread I just haven't figured out how to get notifications when someone posts.

dirtoyboy 04-16-2008 04:26 AM

Did you check for any leaks in your lines? It could be sucking air from somewhere...is the fluid clear or foamy?

4x4phil 04-22-2008 08:56 AM

I just got done changing out my PS pump on my 3.0
I had over filled the resivior, it was leaking out of the top, but I had it way overfilled i think.
that pump is a PITA to replace, to get the pulley off, I had to use a pipe wrench on the pulley and the handle jamed in to the side of the pump to hold it, so I could break loose the nut.
I swear everything is a PITA to work on on the 3.0

aaron_crane 04-22-2008 09:04 AM

ha I agree everything on it is a PITA. I hate mine. It seems like something new goes wrong each day. I have had increasing valve chatter recently and my rear main has started leaking pretty bad. I was hoping it would just slowly dribble until my clutch went but now its leaking pretty steadily. Also my oil pressure has be dropping? I know the gauge isn't reliable so I am going to have it checked just to make sure.

If I had the money and some more knowledge I would do a 3.4 swap in an instant.

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